The Reliability of LED Bulbs (Video)

Blinking LED Bulbs

In this post, the Handyguys talk about the differences in light bulbs, specifically LED bulbs. The Handyguys start off this video explaining that compact fluorescents are not the way to go when searching for the right light bulb. Compact fluorescents take a long time to warm up and typically have trouble working with dimmers. They also have mercury in them and are poisonous. Handyguys Brian and Paul suggest that homeowners stay away from compact fluorescents when installing and replacing light bulbs in the house.

On the other hand, the Handyguys think the LEDs are the saving grace. The one used in this video is an instant-on LED, is typically dimmable, and can also fit standard sockets. You can get LED lights in incandescent type of light and white lights like a daylight bulb. They also cost a fraction of the price to run.

One problem that the Handyguys have run into with one brand of LED lights is that they blink on a dimmer unless the dimmer is on full blast. Occasionally, certain brands of LED lights will have a problem with blinking even when on a regular circuit. The Handyguys would like to hear from readers who have had issues with LED lights blinking whether on a regular or a dimming circuit.

7 thoughts on “The Reliability of LED Bulbs (Video)

  1. LED bulbs are truly the bulb of the future! They get warm fast, they consume only a fraction of the energy that other types of bulbs consume and they last longer. I think anybody who is determined to trim their energy bill should invest on LED bulbs and many other energy-efficient devices.

  2. I agree that LED bulbs are a great energy saver and I have been transitioning to them in my home with success.
    I would like to relate an installation of LED bulbs which has not worked out. I am employed at an electrical generating station. In an effort to save on station service we replaced many 200w incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs made by Cree. Within six months of service roughly half of the installed LED bulbs became strobe lights.

  3. Here is my dirt: A/C current: Cree .5 watt led for a nightlight, 5 years, failed. Small led plug in for a wall light switch made for it, (less that .5 watt?) 1 year, failed. D/C Flashlights: Every one purchased and designed for led (about 3 different brands) all have started flickering and shutting off for up to a second randomly within 1 year. Maglite 4D retrofit to LED, so far working 3 years with no problems. Needless to stay, I’ve got about 16 incandescent bulbs now, and keep thinking I should be stocking up a little more!

    1. Yeah, maybe if we all saved our receipts and maybe packaging for “lasts 20 years” bulbs and then returned them when they fail after a year or two then manufactures would wake up. If people just keep buying replacements for premature failures then we all loose.

  4. We installed LED bulbs in the mudroom that we just completed. The bulbs have been installed for approximately 6 months. So far, two have failed already.

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