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Summer is upon us and the Handyguys are busy working on some new projects. In this episode of the Handyguys Podcast, Brian and Paul provide a preview of things to come in the next few months.
Website Changes – Video
Before we preview our summer content, we want to highlight the changes to our website. We now have video integrated with our audio podcasts. You can subscribe just video or audio or both. We only have three videos posted now but we expect to have several new videos available over the next month or so. Our videos can be viewed here on the site or through our Youtube channel. In addition, you can view them via Apple TV and we hope to have them available on the Roku box as well. If audio is your thing, you will still find our regular weekly audio podcast on our website or via your favorite audio device (iPod, Zune, etc.). If you see anything wrong on the site or have suggestions feel free to let us know.
For the summer, we have some exiting news.
For those with larger yards or those who just dream of a yard large enough for a lawn tractor, the Handyguys will be reviewing and discussing the John Deere consumer product line of riding mowers. Specifically, we will provide some video and podcasts on the highly acclaimed LA115 lawn tractor. We will discuss it in relationship of the entire JD consumer line to help perspective customers find the right mower.
For those who do not need a riding mower, you are in luck as well. The Handyguys are working with a leading hardware store to provide some exiting new podcasts and videos. We may even give away some new hardware to those who are short a screw…. I mean screwdriver.
We also have a new Whirlpool/Kenmore/Kitchen-aid dishwasher video for those who still have trouble getting your dishes clean. More videos are on their way so sit back, relax and enjoy your summer.
Email newsletter
Please fill out out our email subscription form even if you subscribed in the past. If you subscribe now, you will get notices of our new podcasts and we plan to send out occasional special offers and we may create an occasional newsletter just for our email subscribers. Who knows, maybe we can even provide you with a discount on tools from one of our favorite tool vendors.