Phased Remodeling, Vinyl Siding Installation And Landscape Grading

Phased Remodeling, Vinyl Siding and Grading

Phased Remodeling

Painting is an easy and relatively inexpensive way to change the look of a room.
Painting is an easy and relatively inexpensive way to change the look of a room.

In this episode, The Handyguys start off discussing phased remodeling inspired by an article in a recent “Home Improvement Times”. What is phased, or serial remodeling? Are there advantages to this approach in tough economic times? What are the disadvantages? We then address two listener questions, one on what should be included in a vinyl siding job and one about grading, moisture and stucco. Listen to the podcast for a discussion by The Handyguys Brian & Paul.

Vinyl Siding

We then address a question from a listener about vinyl siding, Lou Ann writes:

I really enjoy your podcast, and I have a question for you. We are getting our 60 + years old house resided with vinyl siding. They will be replacing the existing aluminum siding. My question is…what can I expect? I’ve gone to website that tells you to take down all your framed artwork from the walls. What happens to all the stuff already cut into the siding, dryer vents, water pipes and such?

Hope this isn’t a stupid question. Thanks for your help.

Lou Ann – No, that’s not a stupid question at all. It is standard practice that all the penetrations through the siding are properly flashed and trimmed out when the siding is installed. It couldn’t hurt to ask your contractor though. This may be specified in your agreement but it doesn’t hurt to make a call. Do not let them charge extra after you ask. We discuss this and talk about some of the things the siding contractor will need to deal with in the podcast. Thanks for your question Lou Ann.

Bonus Tip – If you are installing vinyl siding install it from back to front. The pieces overlap and when done back to front the gap is not noticeable from the front of the house, when installed front to back the gap is very noticeable.


Gary writes us, concerned about an inspection on a new house.

stuccoI bought a house 6 weeks ago , one of the comments on the inspection report was the grading by the bedroom needed attention as it was to close to the stucco and would allow moisture to pass. This section is a new addition to the house and is built on a concrete foundation. At the front of the house however (built in 1947), the stucco goes all the way under the soil as such clearly built with a different code . How do you prevent moisture ingress here? Is the stucco sealed? How do I know if its still effective?

Thanks for the great show.

Gary – Thanks for the pictures. You do not need to be concerned with the stucco or sealing it, your bigger concern is the relationship of the grading to the wall and floor behind the stucco. Your grade dirt and mulch should be below the level of the bottom of the wall. You are lucky you have a window. Measure from the windowsill to the floor, on the inside, then measure on the outside down. This will give you an idea if the grade is too high. For our listeners and readers – we followed up with Gary and his grade is low enough.

That’s it for this week’s show. Make sure you subscribe and tell your friends.

3 thoughts on “Phased Remodeling, Vinyl Siding Installation And Landscape Grading

  1. I also have a home with stucco that goes all the way down to the soil. The moisture behind the stucco has caused many areas of the stucco to bubble and fall off. I am slowly remodeling the house and have been cutting the stucco off about an inch above the sill plate. I then attach a weep screed behind the stucco and building paper and patch in the stucco. Once I complete all the weep screed I will re-stucco the complete house.

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